On our way to church |
The ELCA, serving in an accompaniment relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) has an English speaking congregation that worships on Sunday mornings in Jerusalem. Their mission, like the early apostles, is to continue to witness to God’s presence, grace, and love for all people in the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. They welcome all people, from all places and backgrounds, for any length of time, to gather as the one body of Christ.
Front door to Church and ELCJHL |
The building houses four congregations: Arabic, English, German and Danish, as well as the headquarters of the ELCJHL. Pastor Carrie B. Smith, a graduate of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, currently serves the English speaking congregation.
The chapel in which they worship was built in the early 12th century as
part of a large pilgrim hostel. Currently they are doing archeological
excavations beneath the church for more hints in to the history of this
area. It was a new kind of holy ground - where past and present
pilgrims meet - ancient buildings with the ELW hymnal in the pews.
Front altar in sanctuary |
While many worlds converge in the city, many worlds also converge in
this congregation. The church’s mission and message seemed especially
poignant this morning in light of all the violence happening within the
walls of the city. As we broke bread together, there was truly a new
depth of meaning in what it means to be one body in Christ. At the end
of worship, we discovered a couple visiting from Budapest, Hungary, and
talked to them about our daughter, Hope, in Smozbathely. We also met an
artist couple from Decorah. He is teaching pottery in Bethlehem for 3
months. In visiting with Pastor Carrie, we learned that she is from
Dennison, Iowa. We are citizens of a global community that sometimes
can feel surprisingly connected. If there was one overarching message
in worship today, it was, “pray for peace in Jerusalem,” something all
of us can do no matter where we are and all of us can agree on no matter
what we believe about the complex issues
Instead of coffee time it is tea with fresh mint leaves |
Kirk enjoys fellowship time with the kids |
Look where we found Martin Luther! |
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