
"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sabbatical Seasonings

I am fortunate to serve a church that encourages pastors to take a sabbatical.  A sabbatical is primarily a time for rest and renewal - a time to spend time with family and to reflect, pray and rejuvenate in a variety of ways.  I also hope that my sabbatical will be a time to explore.  One of my goals it to explore more uses of the internet and social networking in church ministry.  I am especially interested in seeing how today's tools might enable us to better connect to each other, to the church, and to the life of faith.  I have considered many different options already but my first attempt is to blog.  During my sabbatical it will serve two purposes: to explore and to think.

When reviewing ways to make my job performance better each year during my annual evaluation with Pastor Jim, I usually come around to saying some version of,  "If I just had more time to think, I could do my job better."  This sabbatical is just such a gift - time to think.  Yet, it is such a wonderful gift that I want to share it.  So many people really deserve/need a sabbatical in their jobs and don't have one.    I am so fortunate.  I don't intend to bore you with details of where I am or what I am doing during sabbatical.  It is not very impressive.  Rather, I want to share with you what I am thinking about and maybe, just maybe - even though you are not on sabbatical -  you will find some time to think, too.

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