In my mind there is a difference between spring cleaning and cleaning the house for guests. In the spring, I concentrate on getting rid of all the dirt that has accumulated over a period of time. It includes places where guests hopefully don’t look but I know there are issues. Furniture is pulled out so I can get underneath and in the corners. Closets and drawers are reorganized. Things are removed off shelves so everything is wiped clean, not just around the edges. Professional maid services call it “deep cleaning.”
In contrast, in preparation for guests I might just hit the high points, the surfaces, straighten, or even stuff some papers in drawers to deal with another day. The focus of cleaning is more about a pleasant environment of hospitality. Especially when our children come home or bring friends, I want the house to be cozy, homey, and friendly. I add some greens here and a candle there so that it feels as though I am ready to welcome them in for a long comfortable stay.
The church year has two seasons of preparation, Advent and Lent. They come before the big celebrations of Christmas and Easter. I have often thought of Lent as a good spring cleaning for the soul. It is a time to look in the crevices, underneath aspects of my life and shake off the dirt that has accumulated. This Advent my thoughts have taken me to this idea of cleaning in order to welcome a guest. It is less intense than Lent but nonetheless significant. How can I be a good hostess for the coming of the Christ child this Christmas? What areas do I need to straighten? Is the environment of my soul ready and open for a long cozy stay? Where might I add something that helps our relationship feel more comfortable?
Perhaps these are thoughts for you in this Advent season of preparation. With each card, decoration and baked good, I reflect on my efforts to welcome Jesus with equal hospitality and generosity.